Sunday, November 13, 2022

dandruff treatment

best home remedy for dandruff

Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to appear. The flakes are usually white or yellowish and can be oily or dry. They may be small or large and can fall off the scalp easily.

dandruff treatment

Dandruff's Root Causes:

When the fungus Malassezia begins to grow on the scalp, dandruff develops. However, this causes severe dryness and harms the scalp. Another kind of dandruff occurs when the scalp begins to produce more oil, resulting in oily-looking dandruff on the hair. The most common causes of dandruff are listed below.

Brushing and shampooing irregularly.

Stress and a wide range of mental illnesses, including Parkinson's disease, should be avoided at all costs. Now that you are aware of the main dandruff causes, you are well-versed in how to eliminate it at home with a few simple home remedies.

Treatments for Dandruff at Home:

Dandruff can be permanently eliminated with a variety of home remedies you can use every day. However, to accomplish all of this, certain ingredients must be prepared and properly mixed. After this is finished, there is a specific way to apply it that will help get rid of the bad flakes that are lowering your confidence. The following is a list of home remedies that can help permanently eliminate dandruff.

1. Vinegar and  apple cider (ACV):

You need a method for combining the ingredients to treat dandruff at home. You can begin applying after thoroughly mixing all of the ingredients. One of the most effective natural treatments for severe dandruff is apple cider vinegar (ACV). Preparing apple cider vinegar is as simple as following these steps.

After shampooing, apply the mixture to wet hair. Tenderly back rub the hair with the blend.

Rinse after 15 minutes of drying.


You can do this each time you clean up. Additionally, you cannot use apple cider vinegar excessively on your hair. This home remedy for dandruff works best when used once every two days.

2. Use Mehndi:

Mehndi can fix dandruff. Mehndi softens and works well on hair. How to make the mehndi mixture for your hair is as follows.

Mehndi how to  :

This mixture specifies how to make a mehndi mix, which must be prepared properly.

Mix the cottage cheese, mehndi, and lemon juice first.

Allow it to sit for eight hours once it has formed a paste.

can be put on hair after eight hours.


You will notice a difference if you carefully follow the aforementioned advice. Dandruff can be easily eliminated with the help of mehndi, a natural and straightforward treatment.

3. Lemon oil and coconut oil:

It is said that coconut oil conditions hair. To treat dandruff, mix it with a little lemon juice. 

Additionally, this is a straightforward home remedy for removing the tiny flakes that are affecting your confidence. 

To permanently get rid of dandruff, just follow these easy steps.

How to mix Lemon Coconut Oil: 

To quickly get rid of dandruff, just follow these easy steps:

First, combine the lemon juice and two tablespoons of coconut oil evenly.

Apply to the scalp and gently massage into the hair after this.

Leave on for 20 minutes, then, at that point, wash with a modest quantity of cleanser.


If you want to get rid of dandruff from your hair, this is one of the easiest methods. 

Keep in mind that each of the steps above must be carried out in a specific way.

4 Cheese Cottage:

It can be challenging to treat dandruff with home remedies. Particularly cottage cheese is extremely problematic. Dandruff can be treated very effectively by applying curd to your hair.

Getting Quark Ready to Treat Dandruff:

Curds can be used to quickly treat dandruff. The process is as follows:

Applying the card to the hair, including the scalp, is the first step.

Allow it about an hour to dry.

Wash off with shampoo as soon as possible.

5. Juice of Neem:

One of the main ingredients in most shampoos is neem, which is a great remedy for dandruff. Applying curd to your hair is messier than using neem juice on it.

Preparing Neem Juice:

How to make the mixture of neem juice before applying it to the hair. aids in curing dandruff.

First, crush the neem leaves into a paste with your hands.

Then, apply this glue to your scalp and hair and let it dry for no less than 10 minutes.

You can wash it off with water once this is done.

6. Peel Orange:

An excellent home remedy for dandruff is orange peel. But you should think about how to make this mixture.

Subcutaneous Orange Treatment:

It is said that orange peel contains fiber, healthy calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A. Notwithstanding, with regards to treating hair and dandruff, an orange strip ought to be made utilizing the accompanying technique and applied to the scalp and hair to eliminate dandruff. To get rid of dandruff, you must follow these steps.

Oranges can be peeled and lemon juice can be squeezed.

All of this should be ground into a paste in a grinder. Place the paste on the scalp and allow it to dry for thirty minutes.

After that, you can wash it off with a shampoo that treats dandruff.


He will have less dandruff at home if he does all of the above at least three times per week.

Also Read: orange for hair

7. Vinegar:

Because vinegar has medicinal properties that can kill problematic fungi, it can be considered a straightforward treatment for dandruff also scalp itchiness, and acne. Additionally, it helps treat the following skin conditions:

How to Prepare Vinegar:

Here are some basic moves toward continuing in setting up a vinegar blend to dispose of dandruff.

The primary ingredients are two cups of vinegar and one cup of water.

After that, cool the two tablespoons of vinegar and bring them to a boil.

Combine vinegar and 1/8 cup water.

Use it to wash the scalp and rinse with shampoo after this.


Before shampooing the hair, this should typically be done in the morning. Vinegar alleviates the itching and dryness you are experiencing.

8. Egg Yolk:

Biotin, the most important vitamin for preventing dandruff, is found in egg yolk. Egg yolk maintains hair health and acts as a conditioner.

How to make the yolk:

The white layer that surrounds the yolk needs to be removed to prepare the yolk. Always keep in mind that the benefits of the yolk outweigh those of the white layer that surrounds it. Making egg yolks is as easy as following these steps.

First, apply egg yolk to your hair while keeping your scalp and hair healthy

9. Green Tea:

Green tea is an antioxidant that can restore scalp health and contains numerous antifungal properties. Apply some chilled green tea to your scalp to get rid of dandruff, and you'll notice a difference. 

I can manage it.

The primary ingredients are two bags of green tea and hot water.

Then, after the extract has dissolved, place the green tea bags in hot water for 20 minutes and allow them to cool.

Apply green tea to the scalp after it has cooled and allow it to dry for 30 minutes.

Rinse hair gently with water after 30 minutes.


This can be done in the morning during the bath. One of the simplest home remedies for dandruff is this.

10. Plantain Leaves:

Dandruff can be treated naturally with basil leaves. This is because these leaves can treat severe dandruff and have antibacterial and antifungal properties. 

Additionally, these leaves contribute to healthy and strong hair.

Dandruff treatment with tulsi

How to Make Basil Leaves to Treat Dandruff and Other Problems with Your Hair.

Basil leaves, two teaspoons of amla powder, and two teaspoons of water are the first items required.

Combine all of these ingredients to make a fine paste.

After it has formed a paste, apply it to the scalp gently and allow it to dry for thirty minutes.

Water-rinse hair after 30 minutes.


If you do this every day, you'll notice a difference.

11. Olive oil:

Olive oil has numerous hair-care benefits. Your scalp will be strengthened by just applying olive oil to your hair.

Olive-oil-based recipe:

Using the Olive Oil Concoction to get rid of dandruff requires a specific recipe. Dandruff can be easily eliminated in a few easy ways.

Apply olive oil to your hair first.

Gently shampoo your hair 10 minutes later.


Olive oil can be applied before going to bed in some cases. Enclose your head with a towel to ingest any excess oil.


Q1.Can a lack of vitamins cause dandruff?

Ans: Yes, Experts have conducted sufficient studies to demonstrate that vitamin deficiency can cause dandruff, scaly scalp, brittle nails, poor night vision, hair loss, and bleeding gums among other symptoms. Seborrheic dermatitis can be caused by low zinc and vitamins B2, B6, and B3. Consume legumes, seafood, meat, nuts, dairy, and whole grains to improve your scalp's health and reduce dandruff.

Q2.Can a brush for the scalp reduce dandruff?

Ans: Yes, When it comes to the health of their hair and scalp, most people don't give their hairbrushes much thought. However, a scalp brush can help reduce dandruff in the following ways:

helps remove buildup from the scalp. 

This is very important for dandruff, which is a problem caused by sebaceous glands and dead skin cells building up on the scalp. To avoid the problem of hair tangling when using a scalp massager brush, move it slowly.

It improves the efficiency of shampooing. If you intend to use the brush while shampooing, it may aid in better moisturization and cleansing. The shampoo may be able to better clean your scalp and lessen the appearance of dandruff if the buildup on your scalp has been removed or loosened.

It may encourage hair growth and stimulate your scalp. 

If you've been worried about dandruff causing hair loss, using a scalp massager brush during oiling and shampooing two to three times a week can help your scalp get more blood flowing, make it healthier, and help new hair grow. It will encourage the growth of thick hair and strengthen your hair shafts.

Q3.Is dandruff more prevalent in the summer or in the winter?

Ans: Although dandruff can occur at any time of the year, it is more prevalent in the winter when the scalp becomes dry and itchy, resulting in flakes that build up and cause dandruff. 

Use a scalp massager brush to remove buildup, thoroughly oil your scalp, and wash your hair twice to three times a week with a moisturizing shampoo to avoid this. Avoiding heat styling can help keep your hair moist and reduce dryness on your scalp.

Point of clarification:  

The information on this website is provided solely for educational reasons and is not meant to replace professional medical care. 

The reader should speak with their doctor to see whether the information is appropriate for their circumstances because everyone has different needs.

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