Thursday, November 10, 2022

benefits of amla for hair

gooseberry benefits for hair 

benefits of amla for hair

What is amla?

Amla powder is made from crushed Indian gooseberry leaves. In Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used for centuries to treat everything from diarrhea to jaundice.

But does amla truly result in lush curls and a healthier scalp?

 Find out about research, how to make your own hair mask, and more.

What effect does it have on hair?

  1. Anecdotal reports indicate that amla can condition the scalp
  2. Promotes healthy hair growth
  3. Improves the tone of henna hair dyes
  4. Grays hair Minimizes
  5. Increases Volume
  6. Reduces Dandruff
  7. Treats Head Lice

Many of these claims have not yet been fully elucidated and have been investigated in clinical studies, so their overall efficacy gender is unknown.

Research Results

There is limited research on the effects of amla powder on hair health.

benefits of amla for hair

 Amla Hair Growth

An earlier experiment on animals discovered that topical use of amla oil somewhat accelerated rabbits' hair growth. The high vitamin E content of amla is thought by researchers to be responsible for this advantage.

Healthy circulation is supported by vitamin E. It may encourage healing or cell regrowth in the targeted region when applied topically.

Another 2009 animal study produced similar results.

Wistar rats' hair growth was shown to be stimulated more effectively by topical administration of a herbal solution that contains amla powder than by minoxidil (Rogaine).

A 2017 preliminary study in mice found that a patented herbal blend containing amla powder could stimulate hair growth in people with alopecia.

Even though these outcomes are promising, additional analysis is required to determine how amla powder impacts human hair. Included in This can make locking saner.

It's also worth mentioning that vitamin C and other antioxidants can support skin cell renewal. This results in a healthy scalp, minimal dandruff, and healthy hair.


Amla powder is commonly used to make topical pastes or hair masks. If you want to try amla powder on your hair, you can make your own mix or buy a ready-made solution. there is.

Popular options include:

  1. Vegetable Oil
  2. Vegetable Oil
  3. Egg
  4. Milk
  5. Water
  6. Henna


If using an oil base, consider coconut. Some studies suggest that it is better absorbed by the hair shaft than mineral or sunflower oil.

If using oil as a base, follow these steps:

 ðŸ‘‰Pour 4-5 tablespoons of oil into a shallow pan.

 ðŸ‘‰Heat oil over low heat until lightly browned. Stir in

 ðŸ‘‰tablespoons of amla powder and bring the mixture to a boil.

 ðŸ‘‰Put the mixture on low heat and let it cool. Strain and discard the remaining powder.

  ðŸ‘‰When the oil feels warm (not hot), gently massage it into your scalp and hair.

If you don't like the combination of oil and powder, you can use whole milk or water to make a thicker paste. is. If necessary, you can change the ratio to get a suitable consistency. To do this, mix 1/2 cup amla powder and 2 eggs and apply.


Many henna hair dyes already contain amla. If your dye does not contain amla and you would like to add it, talk to an experienced colorist. There are many factors to consider, such as your current hair the items you select, color and texture, and the color you want.


Patch Test

Prior to launching the complete program, always run a patch test.


To do this:

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of amla powder with an equal amount of warm water. Let the powder dissolve. 

Apply a mixture or a small amount of his OTC solution to the inside of the forearm.

Wait 24 hours after applying a bandage to the afflicted region.

If redness, hives, or other signs of irritation occur, wash the affected area and discontinue use.

If no side effects occur within 24 hours, it should be safe to use elsewhere.

How to apply 

General guidelines recommend:

Apply the solution all over the head. Make sure to cover the scalp and ends.

Let the mixture stand for 45 minutes.

Rinse the hair with lukewarm water. Make sure the solution is completely washed out.

Amla Hair Mask can be used by her 2-3 times a week.


Side Effects and Risks of amla 

There have been cases of allergies to amla which can cause hives and inflammation. Doing a patch test can help determine how your skin will react. Never apply amla powder to babies or young children. 

If too many new ingredients are used at once, it can be difficult to assess individual effects.


More research is needed to really determine how amla powder affects the overall health of the scalp and hair. Please check with your doctor or other health care provider before using amla to treat hair loss, hair lice, or any other underlying medical condition.

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